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Uploaded 17-Jun-10
Taken 29-May-10
Visitors 111

14 of 14 photos
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E26 Goes Nuclear at Selma

E26 Goes Nuclear at Selma

We are looking southward on CSX's A-line at Selma, NC, where a northbound Amtrak train (the Palmetto, I believe) has come to an unexpected stop to wait on NS train E26, a Raleigh-Goldsboro local on the state-owned North Carolina Railroad. The NS train arrived in town, toned the CSX dispatcher, and were told either "behind 3" or "behind 4". E26 was blocking one or more crossings, and they pulled up expecting a signal after the 3rd CSX move, which resulted in additional blocked crossings and effectively stopping north-south traffic in Selma. They did not get a signal, and as best I recall were unable to raise the DS again. The conductor apparently followed procedure for manually clearing his movement at the signal control box, dropping an approach board on Amtrak. The DS finally came on and advised them to go ahead and take the signal. Here they scurry eastward past the dismayed Amtrak conductor (who stomped from the train to the platform in a rather animated manner) and agent.